We are a vibrant, happy school with a strong reputation within York for achieving high levels of academic success. Our core aims are to ensure everyone feels safe, happy and valued and is supported to achieve their full potential.

Our small class sizes ensure that everyone is treated as an individual. We pride ourselves on our school family ethos where staff, pupils and parents all know each other well. Working closely in partnership with the wider community is key to ensuring the best possible education for all pupils.

St Paul’s C of E are committed to developing compassionate and caring individuals who depend on one another, are highly motivated, and have a life-long love of learning in preparation for the future.

We hope that as you explore our website and Twitter account, you will gain a flavour of the vibrant life and quality of education of our school.

Admissions Arrangements

As a voluntary controlled school, our admissions arrangements are set by the City of York Council as the admissions authority for our school.

St Paul's C of E Primary School is an inclusive catchment school that does not select on the basis of religion and children of all and no religious backgrounds are welcome.

You can read about starting primary school for the first time on the City of York Council website. This is where you’ll also find details of their admissions policies.

If you have any questions about school admissions, please email the council at education@york.gov.uk or call 01904 551554.

You can apply for a school place online, or you can request a paper Primary Application Form by calling City of York Council on 01904 551554.

We strongly recommend coming to visit us, please contact the school office for a tour or for more information about our open evening!

Will Your Child Start Reception in September 2025?

You should apply for your child to start primary or infant school by the 15th of January in the school year your child turns 4.

There’s a guide to school catchment areas available on the City of York Council website.

Applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2025 will open in September 2024. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025. You can apply after this date, but your application may be looked at after other applications. National Offer Day will be 16th April or next working day.

Key Dates for the City of York Council Admissions Process

  • September 2024 – applications can be made for September 2024 entry to Reception
  • 15 January 2025 – Deadline for applications
  • 16 April 2025 – National Offer Day
  • June 2025 – Appeal forms to be returned
  • June-July 2025 – Admission appeals heard
  • September 2025 – Applications for the September 2026 entry into Reception expected to open

Visiting Our School

If you’re thinking of sending your child to our school, we’d love to show you around! Please contact the school office to book a meeting and a tour of the school with our Headteacher, Mrs Clarke.

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) helps to clarify the legal position on admissions policies in schools. OSA works with the Department for Education.

You can make an objection to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) if you think that the admissions arrangements of a local-authority-maintained school or an academy do not comply with the ‘School Admissions Code’ (the Code) or other legislation relating to school admissions. Certain exceptions apply as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the Code.

All admissions authorities must determine their admission arrangements by 28 February every year, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required. You have until 15 May to contact the adjudicator if you have an objection.

Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) osa.team@schoolsadjudicator.gov.uk.

This year's Admissions Consultation is being jointly held by admissions authorities in the City of York between 7th October and 18th November 2024. The consultation includes the admission policies and planned number of places available at each school in the year(s) of entry 2026-2027.

All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at https://www.york.gov.uk/SchoolAdmissions2026To2027 during the consultation period.

Responses are being collated by an online survey, schools, trusts, parents/carers and any interested parties may all contribute to the Admission Consultation. If you wish to contribute you are invited to go to https://www.york.gov.uk/SchoolAdmissions2026To2027 and complete the appropriate survey online.

Following the consultations, each admission authority will formally set ('determine') their admission arrangements for admission in 2026 - 2027 by 28 February 2025. Determined policies will be on the City of York Council website by 15 March 2025 after which objections can be raised.

All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at https://www.york.gov.uk/SchoolAdmissions2026To2027 Determined policies for the 2024-25 and 2025 - 2026 can be found at https://www.york.gov.uk/SchoolAdmissionPolicies

If you require a paper copy of any document, you can request this from education@york.gov.uk or 01904 551554.