St Paul’s C of E Primary is a very special place, where the entire school community feel they belong.

Starting school can be a big step for both new families and children. We are here to support you every step of the way. Our vision is to support all families and ensure that you feel part of our school community.

If you are looking for a place at our school, please do not hestitate to get in touch and come for a visit, we would love to meet you. If you already have a place and would like some more information, please let us know and we will do all we can to support you.

Our core aims are to ensure everyone feels safe, happy and valued and is supported to achieve their full potential.

Our small class sizes ensure that everyone is treated as an individual and we pride ourselves on our school family ethos where staff, pupils and parents all know each other well. Working closely in partnership with the wider community is key to ensuring the best possible education for all pupils.

Our website has lots of information to support you including curriculum information, class information and policies and below are some documents to support parents with learning prior to their child starting school. Please take a look through and do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to meet us or answer any questions you may have.

Mrs Clarke is the Headteacher and has been the Early Years Leader at St Paul's Primary School for many years. Mrs Clarke has taught in EYFS previously both at St Paul's and her previous school. Mrs Clarke is also the Curriculum leader and designed the whole curriculum based on Early Years and a passion for a fun and enriching education.

Miss Purves is our EYFS teacher, she has been part of the St Paul's family for five years. Miss Purves leads both Early Reading and PE across the school and is very supportive throughout the school and in our school community.

Mrs Lynch has worked at St Paul's for a number of years. Mrs Lynch is fantastic at supporting all children across the provision from her time spent in the EYFS classroom as well as supporting children with special educational needs.

Below you will find documents including the Parent Handbook and Prospectus that has lots of useful information you may need.

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