All infant children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are eligible for a free school meal. Excellent, cooked to order lunches are provided on site by Mellors Catering. They offer a choice of dishes, and the menus are published here on our website. The current cost of a lunch is £2.50 per day and we request payment be made online via ParentPay. Facilities are also provided for children who bring a packed lunch.

Children will be asked each morning their lunch choice and this will be noted on the dinner register.

Children who require a special diet are also catered for. If you think your child may require a special diet please request the Special Dietary Needs Form from the School Office.

We are a nut free school. If your child is bringing a packed lunch please ensure it is nut free.

School Dinner Menu

Our school meals are provided by Mellors catering. You can be flexible with the mix of meals and pack ups but ideally the pattern must be the same every week. This enables our kitchen staff to plan accordingly.

Packed Lunches

You are welcome to send your child with a packed lunch but please ensure their packed lunch is healthy.

We are a nut free school, please ensure you do not send your child with food that may contain nuts of any sort.

According to NHS choices a balanced lunchbox should contain:

  • Starchy foods like bread, rice, potatoes or pasta
  • Protein foods like meat, fish, eggs or beans
  • A dairy item, like cheese or yogurt
  • Vegetables or salad and a portion of fruit

Milk and Fruit

Milk is also available to all pupils, and is free for pupils under five years old. You can register your child for milk at

Children who are in receipt of Free School Meals are entitled to be offered a portion of milk each day under the School Pays Scheme. All children who are eligible for Free School Meals will automatically receive this milk throughout Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 unless a parent advises us they do not wish their child to take up this offer. Once they move up to Lower Key Stage 2, Years 3 and 4, we shall contact parents to ask if they still wish their child to have the milk. This shall be repeated as they enter Upper Key Stage 2, Years 5 and 6.

All children, up until the end of Year 2, also receive a piece of free fruit daily under a Government scheme. Children may also bring their own healthy snack, but not sweets or crisps.

Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are automatically eligible to receive free school meals. Parents and carers who are in receipt of certain income-related benefits may also be entitled to free school meals for their children. Parents and carers of children in Early Years and Key Stage 1, who are entitled to a meal under the universal infant free school meal initiative, but who feel they may meet the income criteria are asked to apply as your child’s school will benefit from additional funding known as the pupil premium. You can request the relevant document to complete from the School Office. All claims are treated in confidence and the same meals are provided to all children whether they are paid for or provided free.